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Welcome to Fern Logic

Tailored support for all your sustainable ambitions

Who We Are

Fern Logic is a consulting business specializing in sustainability, offering a wide range of services such as providing landscape analyses, strategic planning guidance, developing storytelling frameworks, admin support, and custom workshops. Our target audience includes organizations, businesses, entrepreneurs, local small businesses, hard tech startups, and corporations seeking assistance in sustainability initiatives and strategies. We are here to support you in achieving your goals through providing guidance and data-driven research for a future sustainable world. We distinguish ourselves through our technical expertise in science, a practical view on sustainability, and a passion for helping others succeed.

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Our Services

Sustainability Consulting

Sustainability Consulting

At Fern Logic, we provide customized consulting services to help organizations, businesses, entrepreneurs, and corporations develop and implement sustainability initiatives and strategies that align with their values and goals. Our services include sustainability landscaping, technology feasibility, green marketing, and strategic planning.

Guided Workshops

Guided Workshops

We offer custom workshops designed to educate and inspire your team on sustainability topics such as circular economy, plastics life cycle, designing for sustainability, practical technology solutions, and hard tech innovation. Our workshops are interactive, engaging, and tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Grants and Admin

Grants and Admin

We assist our clients on an as-needed basis to help them with any external funding opportunities. We can provide administrative and project management support to help our clients focus on their core business and their vision while we get teams organized and help you meet deadlines.

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